Archive - Tag: Wrongful death

Does medical malpractice apply to fatal medical mistake cases?

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Wednesday, July 08, 2015.

A doctor is often a Florida resident’s best hope for finding the underlying cause of the person’s pain and suffering. Whether the individual has an infection, a broken bone, a significant disease or any medical ailment in between, he can often benefit from visiting a doctor and receiving treatments tailored to his particular health-related needs…. Continue Reading

What is the statute of limitations for a wrongful death action?

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Wednesday, June 17, 2015.

In a perfect world, negligence would never happen. All people would consider the safety and care of others when they chose to act, and everyone would take the proper precautions to proactively prevent and avoid harm. Unfortunately, Brevard residents know this utopia does not exist. A cursory review of the evening news demonstrates with definitive… Continue Reading

Death at Florida airport may lead to personal injury-based claim

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Thursday, May 14, 2015.

Florida is a tourist mecca for individuals from all over the world. With major transportation hubs located throughout the state, many people arrive and depart from the area on a daily basis. For many individuals, air travel is the means by which they get to Florida. The state boasts several major airports in the large… Continue Reading

Car crash kills teen and injures several others

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Friday, March 20, 2015.

For people in Florida, one of the worst possible things that can happen is to have a loved one involved in an accident. These accidents can happy at any time in a variety of ways. A common way in which people are hurt and killed is in motor vehicle accidents. While most drivers operate their vehicles… Continue Reading

Fatal accident with car claims life of man on scooter

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Friday, February 27, 2015.

People in Brevard County and throughout the state need to be on constant alert for vehicles on the road. This is especially true if they’re pedestrians, bicyclists or riding a smaller vehicle like a scooter. While motor vehicle accidents are always dangerous, those who are more vulnerable stand a greater chance of being involved in a wrongful… Continue Reading

Fatal workplace accident statistics in South Florida are up

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Friday, February 06, 2015.

One of the last things that a person who says goodbye to a loved one believes when he or she heads out to work is that it will be the last time they’ll see that person. This is why it’s such a shock when a fatal workplace accident occurs. These accidents can happen for a… Continue Reading

Husband and wife die in crash caused by alleged drunk driver

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Friday, December 12, 2014.

People in Brevard County and across Florida need to be aware of the dangers that can lead to a fatal accident. These accidents can happen at work, when driving, when riding as a passenger, as a pedestrian and in numerous other situations. A common way in which a wrongful death occurs is in motor vehicle accidents…. Continue Reading

Bicyclist killed in fatal car crash

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Friday, November 28, 2014.

In Brevard and throughout the state, there are dangers whenever a person heads out on the road in a car, on a motorcycle, on a bicycle or as a pedestrian. These risks are not often considered, but they’re there. Motor vehicle accidents are sometimes inevitable. However, when they happen, the incident can be made worse when the… Continue Reading

Florida fatal accident with car claims life of motorcyclist

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Friday, November 21, 2014.

When a Florida motorcyclist heads out onto the road in Brevard and throughout the state, there are numerous risks that he or she takes. Riding a motorcycle might be an enjoyable activity with the fun outweighing the dangers, but that does not eliminate the vulnerability that a rider is subject to if there is a… Continue Reading

Woman killed on golf cart in Viera

On behalf of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. posted in Wrongful Death on Friday, October 17, 2014.

People don’t often think about the consequences for their reckless behavior until it is too late. This can be especially true when it comes to driving. People get behind the wheel of a car and they eat, they text, they chat on the phone all without thinking about how it could affect others. In many… Continue Reading