Violating the terms of your probation can create a world of trouble for you, even if you believe the violation is technical or minor. Many citizens who are on probation are working hard to improve their lives, not looking to incur new violations.

For this reason, it is essential to seek legal advice as soon as possible if you believe you may be in trouble for violating your probation.

Guidance Through The Entire Probationary Process

At the Brevard County criminal defense firm of Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. we understand Florida probation rules in detail. We have decades of experience helping our clients navigate matters that impact their futures and their families — clients who we have represented during criminal proceedings and clients we have counseled regarding probation matters exclusively. Our firm can help you address any probation-related challenge you may be facing, such as:

  • Failure to communicate with your probation officer
  • A criminal charge or serious traffic violation
  • Failure to make required payments, reparation or restitution
  • An employment-related violation
  • A drug-test violation
  • A firearms violation
  • A violation regarding your place of residence

Criminal defense lawyer Greg Eisenmenger, who has been practicing since 1977, is board-certified and is among the most experienced criminal law attorneys in Central Florida.

Many firms leave clients to fend for themselves once they are on probation. Eisenmenger, Robinson & Peters, P.A. works to get people through the maintenance of their probationary status and help them achieve success.

Contact Us | The Consultation Is Free

Contact us for a free consultation regarding your criminal case or probation matter.